Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Talk To Hands: game of fingers pointed at others to blame for the holes in you glass houses.Blame who:American Birds:

Stores of Tips:American Veterans. Earth Angels In Lights:Bitches 5 Stars, Dames, unfuckwithable: Blame who:American Birds: Talk To Hands: game of fingers pointed at others to blame for the holes in you glass houses.Blame who:American Birds: Talk To Hands: holes in you glass houses.

Sinners and Saints: The Donald Duck segment: War propaganda .Words To Define: Bullshit, And Faithful, Tricks, Trades, Treats.Faces Of Frogs."Ain't Your Mama", Not Your Toy, Not Your Dream Babe, Lovers Talk. Heads to walls, another brick to place, sinners, saints, snakes in grass.Life Is A Beach, A Mountain Climb, Roads Traveled Spinning Tops, Starr Bright Tonight, Walks Of Fame, Walks In The Park.

Winners,Losers,Learners, Family Matters: Roles.The following week came and I'm ready to pick up the bike. It appears some mental issuers?'I'm sorry you endured so much pain. You didn't deserve to be lied to, to be gas-lighted.

You deserved love and transparency. I hope you continue to process and heal, growing in the self- love you deserve to live your life to the fullest.'Make Me Say it Again girl. Happy Holidays : As the sunsets, the day ends & will never be relived again..celebrate your life. HELPS COPE WITH MY MENTAL HEALTH SO THANK YOU. Talk To Hands: game of fingers pointed at others to blame for the holes in you glass houses.Blame who:American Birds:

Open Books. Pages to go, schools of hard knocks, no knocks, and just a few knocks. Rats to roaches, walks of fame, sunny and bright, wits and charms. Good times, sad times, ugly times, freaks, frogs, fools, paths to cross, roads to travel.Follies live at Kennedy Center. Charles R Jarrot Inc - La Quinta, CA - Topix. Veterans: Thanks For Service.Dreams, wishes, hopes and prayers, gifts to share, joys and laughter from the lives we live. Lights and Stars: Good and Evil: Planes and Trains, free rides, dates on the beach. Apples Notes: Apples and fruit, nuts to go, history of sinners and saints, good times, dates to decapitate.Views of snakes, crook, cheater, liars, Steven Gay Jarrot, dimes to drop

Fairy tales for the young at heart, dated and seasoned Peter Pan and Captain Hook. Good story, for the mature and sedated perhaps, the golden giants. Mining stones in the mountains, seven uncles that live in the woods full of dogwood trees. Good times, joy and pleasures for the trips around the world, happy to share often.Lights and Stars: Good and Evil: Planes and Trains, free rides, dates on the beach. Apples Notes: Apples and fruit, nuts to go, history of sinners and saints, good times, dates to decapitate.Views of snakes, crook, cheater, liars, Steven Gay Jarrot, dimes to drop.

Life Is A Beach, A Mountain Climb, Roads Traveled.Lights and Stars: Good and Evil: Planes and Trains, free rides, dates on the beach. Apples Notes: Apples and fruit, nuts to go, history of sinners and saints, good times, dates to decapitate.Views of snakes, crook, cheater, liars, Steven Gay Jarrot, dimes to drop.

Life Is A Beach, A Mountain Climb, Roads Traveled Spinning Tops, Starr Bright Tonight, Walks Of Fame, Walks In The Park.Open Books. Pages to go, schools of hard knocks, no knocks, and just a few knocks. Rats to roaches, walks of fame, sunny and bright, wits and charms. Good times, sad times, ugly times, freaks, frogs, fools, paths to cross, roads to travel.

Treats. Creepy.... Fingers To Hands, Waves, Chaps, Cheers, American Birds, Sitting Spinning Tales, Glory Dazes To Come. Sleeping or playing dead, tricks and trades, fish and frogs, games on the beach, good times, nightmares,veterans stories, 1000 words per picture.   Just another fairy tale, a man and woman, the bumps in the road, the breakdown, the missing favors.

Ways to go, the dead and dying, military members left in battle, hands to hold, hopes and wishes to live.
Live and learn, lots of love, lots of luck, lots of hard knocks, leaders of the band. Fun and games, help to others, help to the members of the crew, lessons to learn, hops and jumps, walks of life. Just another fairy tale, a man and woman, the bumps in the road, the breakdown, the missing favors.

Just another fairy tale, a man and woman, the bumps in the road, the breakdown, the missing favors gone, the dream wasted, hurt, broken, full of tears for the pain and the anger still.  A love story that did not end well is one way to view it, black and white matters to address, hidden views or unknown feelings just beneath the surface.....ON THE RUN, WHAT?! They barely could handle the first.Just another fairy tale, a man and woman, the bumps in the road, the breakdown, the missing favors.

KKK Rally Turns Bloody in Anaheim as 3 People Stabbed, Several Arrested....Just another fairy tale, a man and woman, the bumps in the road, the breakdown, the missing favors gone, the dream wasted, hurt, broken, full of tears for the pain and the anger still. A love story that did not end well is one way to view it, black and white matters to address, hidden views or unknown feelings just beneath the surface.Just another fairy tale, a man and woman, the bumps in the road, the breakdown, the missing favors.

"Life Is About Relationships, Not Accomplishments...Fallen Angels.Boys to men, FOREVER HOME: ☀️Illuminati Exposed.Until Tomorrow: Shine.Heads, Hearts, Hands To Guide, Golden Years. Forever Young.ALL I CAN SAY: LOVE, LUCK, LESSONS. Love or hate.Hello, Giggles.What can you tell me about March, the Roman God of War ... 

Hits and misses, holiday ways and means, joy to spread, stories to tell, back in time, to remember when...Lessons daily, lessons learned back in time, pages to books, lovers and haters, in the red world, lovers in the blue state of mind. Blue oceans to create, blue dreams in the air, good times, cheers, chaps, glory dazes to come. ALL I CAN SAY: LOVE, LUCK, LESSONS. Love or hate.Hello, Giggles.What can you tell me about March, the Roman God of War ...
Loyalty makes you family. Suns Lights.STOP THE DENIAL! SMART & RICH BETTER THAN SMART & POOR! BILLBOARD'S MESSAGE The “Make America White Again”.FINE LINE. JARROT JEWISH WHITE STARS OF 2020 SELF CENTERED, SHALLOW, VAIN, A SNAKES IN THE GRASS. WATCH OUT FOR FAKE FRIENDS ALWAYS AND FOREVER. 'SEE YOU IN HELL.“SPINNING TOPS, STARR BRIGHT TONIGHT, WALKS OF FAME, WALKS IN THE PARK.Pebbles Beaches: Learners: Reasons to dance, names changes to hide from haters, lots of hot air blowing about seek and crop off hands.

FINE LINE. JARROT JEWISH WHITE STARS OF 2020 SELF CENTERED, SHALLOW, VAIN, A SNAKES IN THE GRASS. WATCH OUT FOR FAKE FRIENDS ALWAYS AND FOREVER. 'SEE YOU IN HELL.“SPINNING TOPS, STARR BRIGHT TONIGHT, WALKS OF FAME, WALKS IN THE PARK.Pebbles Beaches: Learners: Reasons to dance, names changes to hide from haters, lots of hot air blowing about seek and crop off hands.

Christmas daily, birthday daily, love, luck, lights, joy, peace, happiness, hopes and wishes, coins to flip, songs to sing. Angels to sing, angels in lights, in the red, in the blue, in the black, hearts to heart, veterans on the move, veterans with skills, hands to hold, hands to lead the way, cash on the table.Caribbean Queen No More Love On The Run. American Birds.    Jewish Community Centers nationwide


Jewish centers in Irvine, Los Angeles among latest targets in new ...

Love and losses, veterans in wars and battles, nightmares to stay, lots of hard knocks, tales to share, joys and pains, tales of donkeys in packs. Crooks and robbers, prey on veterans, sports for freaks and snakes in the grass, history to tell. Lots of love, lots of luck, lots of hard knocks, dogs and bitches, snakes in the water, ships of dreams to sail.Caribbean Queen No More Love On The Run. American Birds. Jewish Community Centers nationwide


Facts not fiction, twisted and tainted, White Jewish Super-sized-Stars? Rotten Rocky Rachel Jarrot: Gay Butch Jarrot, the Cali cow to buffalo state, dead now...7608512267. Words to live by, the threats to cut off fingers, and pour acid on faces of angels, fairies, pixies, blacks, veterans, female crazy when stirred mental people for views that are not shared. Good story that had blacks, females, and veterans carting a extra set of fingers.
Are Peel-Off Masks Safe? | StyleCaster
Hits and misses, holiday ways and means, joy to spread, stories to tell, back in time, to remember when...Lessons daily, lessons learned back in time, pages to books, lovers and haters, in the red world, lovers in the blue state of mind. Blue oceans to create, blue dreams in the air, good times, cheers, chaps, glory dazes to come. Christmas daily, birthday daily, love, luck, lights, joy, peace, happiness, hopes and wishes, coins to flip, songs to sing. Angels to sing, angels in lights, in the red, in the blue, in the black, hearts to heart, veterans on the move, veterans with skills, hands to hold, hands to lead the way, cash on the table.

More bomb threats target Jewish Community Centers. Trump finally ...

.Good luck, lots of joys and lots of love, hands to hold, angels on earth, earth angels at that age. Monkeys in packs to dodge, donkey dates, free riders. Rats to races, baby boomers, peace of mind to share, schools of hard knocks, ways to grow, ways to expand, ways to turn life around.

FINE LINE. JARROT JEWISH WHITE STARS OF 2020 SELF CENTERED, SHALLOW, VAIN, A SNAKES IN THE GRASS. WATCH OUT FOR FAKE FRIENDS ALWAYS AND FOREVER. 'SEE YOU IN HELL.“SPINNING TOPS, STARR BRIGHT TONIGHT, WALKS OF FAME, WALKS IN THE PARK.Pebbles Beaches: Learners: Reasons to dance, names changes to hide from haters, lots of hot air blowing about seek and crop off hands.

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